It is through the arts that we define ourselves as human beings -- How we make sense out of the world and our place in it. We can let others know who we were through our art. For example, we have no written history of the cave man but for his paintings on cave walls. It tells us much about who he was. He would have had to figure out what to create for paint from nature and go through steps to develop it. This suggests he not only had problem solving skills, but an ability to use science to create art. Then there is the desire to express oneself through art. To leave a message for the next person who enter the caves. “There is good hunting here.” It has even been suggested that cave paintings had a religious significance. Perhaps used in ceremonies in preparation for the hunt, or a way to give thanks for a successful hunt. And let’s not forget that a handprint is a signature, a way to be acknowledged, gain immortality, or be remembered. I don’t know about you, but whenever I see cave drawings I am just as awed by them as much as I am by a painting by my favorite artists, Tom Thomson or Vincent Van Gogh. There is this feeling of knowing them through their work.

It has always amazed me how I am emotionally affected by art. It’s as though whatever the artist was feeling at the time of the painting, is super imposed on the work and passed on to me as the viewer. Wonder, beauty, connection, messages, ritual, history. What powerful gifts to give the world.


Writing is another way we express who we are to the world. In writing, we are not only able to express our ideas with the world, we do it in such a way that is very individualistic. We each bring our own life experiences to our writing, our own opinions about the world, and it helps us to not only understand the world, but ourselves as well. It has been said that in order to be a writer, it’s important to know yourself. I feel that in writing we get to know ourselves, and connect with the rest of the world through a common knowing about the nature of life. Many themes in novels are universal. The importance of family. Belonging. Feeling good enough. The nature of love. Yet each message is delivered in a very unique way.

Writers have often said that it’s not me who is doing the writing. It’s an outside force guiding my hand, my thoughts. I think this is true. Human creativity is made manifest through nature. In opening up our mind to the universe, the story unfolds for us, within us.

Going back to the days of the caveman, story has played an important part of who we are as humans. Stories not only entertain, they share thoughts, ideas, news, and inspiration. Good stories are passed on and are never forgotten because they ring true in every time period.

Look at the importance of the written word in the present day. It’s been a way to share important information about the pandemic. Stories have kept us entertained when we’ve been stuck at home. People have been joining book clubs in order to share and talk about stories and how they impact on them. More books are sold to help people escape from the reality of what we’ve been dealing with, and perhaps at times to live our lives vicariously through others since we can’t get out there ourselves to do it.


I have a friend who once studied voice. She’d sing the operas to me in different languages. And though I didn’t understand a word she was saying, I was completely moved by the way she sang the words. Music has a way of crossing boundaries and touching the soul of anyone within hearing distance.

The lyrics of a song are a form of poetry to music. The words have power and often express what we cannot. Whether its rock and roll, opera, or rap, words and music can get us all riled up, or they can express our deepest desires, fears, and beliefs. No wonder parents worry about the type of music their children listen to. This is not new. It has been an issue for every generation when a new type of music comes to the surface.


I have been fortunate enough to have been exposed to various types of dance in my life. Ballet, jazz, and sacred circle dance have been ways to express myself through movement. Sacred circle dance isn’t called sacred for nothing. At the beginning of each dance, we are taught the steps and the story behind the dance. But even without the story, the dance itself reaches a place inside of us so that we understand the story without being told. With every dance, we are connected to those who danced it before us, throughout time. I am always transported by sacred circle dance and often come away from it in another state of mind entirely -- Calmer, deeper, more connected.


It has been suggested to me that art can be subversive. That thought had never occurred to me before. I simply want to write about women pushing boundaries. But I suppose that there are those out there who don’t want women to grow and evolve into their full potential. There are plenty of societies today who continue to keep women under lock and key. So I can imagine that there are those out there who might consider what I write subversive, particularly if those women most in need of their freedom get their hands on my book, or others like it. The arts are a powerful medium to share messages. Why else would the not so like-minded try to prevent others from telling their truth?


Creativity is vital to our survival. By sharing our creative work, we are starting a dialogue with those in need of healing. Whether it is to make sense out of the unthinkable through poetry, to express our feelings through dance, to lift ourselves up through music/song, or work to understand the human condition through writing, creativity is an essential part of our existence. It connects us to ourselves, others, and the universe. We can simply survive, or learn to thrive through the medium of the arts. We are creative beings by nature. So give yourself permission to be creative. In the words of actor, Ethan Hawke: “When you do what you love, your world expands.” Let your world expand in every direction. Be creative.


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