I was five years old when I first learned to understand what letters were and how, by rearranging them, I could create words. These words could then be turned into sentences, paragraphs and even entire stories. Once I discovered the power of words, I felt like I’d uncovered a bit of magic. It’s no surprise that I held on to this magic into my adult life by becoming a writer where I am able to share the magic  with countless others.


I’ve been writing stories since I was a teenager. I still have those stories packed away in my basement somewhere. Giving them away would be like giving away a part of myself. As I got older, the art of story-telling came back to me when I was staying home with my children. It’s an exciting thing to me to when a single word can replace meaning that previously took an entire sentence. I love getting inside a story and writing from that place. How did such and such happen? What is a characters motivation? How people relate to each other. Building dialogue, and utilizing descriptive passages to the best advantage. It’s a scary and mystical thing creating lives and entire worlds out of nothing. But that’s what I love to do. What surprised me is that after my first book came out and I had to build a platform – create a following based on what I wrote about – I realized for the first time that I like to write about women coming into their own. It’s my way of sharing a woman’s journey of strength and courage and how together we can do anything. I want to take this message a step further by creating workshops, retreats and speaking engagements that focuses on how women move through the world. And it’s all done through the magic of words.


What you focus on becomes your reality. If you are down on yourself and the world, then that is what you will create. But when you change your language from negative to positive, you can create incredible changes in your life. Think about the people you know. Who are the happiest? Is it the Eeyore character who goes around moaning and groaning about how life has treated him poorly, or is the so called, Pollyanna who goes through the world expecting, and receiving, the best that life has to offer. It’s all about the language you use every day.

Power Words and a Gratitude Journal will set you on the path to positivity. My power word for this year is prosperity. When this word first came up, I thought of making money. That is not what I am about. However, when a friend pointed out that prosperity can also mean abundance, my perspective changed. My life is filled with prosperity, and I embrace it. And because I embrace it, it keeps turning up in my life in the most unexpected ways.

Gratitude is another thing I focus on. By writing three things each day that I’m grateful for, then I become more aware of how much I have to be grateful for, instead of wandering around like Eeyore.


Being with others in conversation is a real high for me, especially when we’re bouncing ideas of each other. We could be creating a workshop together out of nothing based on our individual experience. Maybe we’re talking about the things we believe in. Or it could be listening to the words of a gifted speaker who makes you change your perspective on something you once thought you had a handle on. It all happens through the power of words.


Socrates once said, “An unexamined life is not worth living.” What better way to examine your life than through journaling. I have an entire chest full of journals that I have filled up over the years. Being able to write in my journal not only helps me to understand myself better, but it also helps me to figure out what’s important to me. In putting down my worries on paper, I am getting them out of my head and onto the page so I can see them from a different vantage point. Once I know what I want to create, I can make it happen because I have a visual image through the words I wrote.


What an incredible thing language is, and how amazing is it that, as a species, we have been able to create language out of nothing more than a 26 symbols on a page that can be arranged and rearranged as a way to communicate with each other. So yes, words are my super power.  I can create something out of nothing with words. I can change a person’s mind with the power of the word. I can live my life with wonder or heartache through the power of words. And we all have the ability to save the world with the power of one word in particular – Love.  How’s that for a superpower?




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